North Orange County is definitely lacking in the cupcake department. I'm tempted to just open a shop myself (bad idea considering I'm not a baker)! I got very excited when I heard that Frost My Cake bakery opened in Brea, CA. My mom had a coupon for a free cupcake, so we decided to give it a try.
I had hopes of finding a cupcake shop, but Frost My Cake is a bakery that sells cupcakes in addition to cakes, pastries, breads, and other sweets.

The girl behind the counter was very friendly and waited patiently as my mom, my brother, and I decided what to pick. Since we all have a huge sweet tooth, we left with three cupcakes, a piece of red velvet cake, a fruit pastry, and snickerdoodle cookies.

I love a good cookie and Frost My Cake definitely satisfied my cookie craving. The snickerdoodle cookies were soft and delicious.
Only one of the cupcakes was mine; the red velvet, of course. I liked the chocolate shaving decoration on top. The frosting was so-so. It wasn't whipped cream, but it was way too sweet for a cream cheese frosting. The cake was moist, which is always a plus.
Frost My Cake seems to be your average bakery full of lots of tasty treats. You won't find gourmet cupcakes, but you can find cupcakes to satisfy your short-term craving.

Frost My Cake
518 E. Imperial Hwy.
Brea, CA 92821
518 E. Imperial Hwy.
Brea, CA 92821
I think you should go for it and open up your own joint!
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