About a month ago I received an email from Katja. She sent me a few photos of her cupcakes along with a short bio. Katja owns a cupcake business based in England called Katjas Kupcakes. The thing I like most about Katja's cupcakes is how beautiful her cupcakes look. Look at all of that detail!
Katja's experience comes from training for three years at Cupcake Cafe in Manhattan. Katjas Kupcakes use "American Butter Cream instead of the more commonly used sugar craft" of other British cake-confectioners.
I love seeing cupcakes around the world. Maybe one day my travels will take me to England and I can try Katja's Kupcakes.
They are beautiful!
These are really neat! They remind me of some of the cupcakes in a Hello, Cupcake! book I have. Lots of detail which is lovely.
Katjas Kupcakes has now changed its name and location, it is called Katja's Cakes and is based in Hastings East Susses UK web address
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