Step 1: Buy cupcakes from grocery store. See how weird these cupcakes look? No one will believe you made them yourself.

Step 2: Spread the frosting around to create a more homemade look. You might even want to remove some of the frosting, if there is too much.

Step 3: Add a decoration. Roll in sprinkles or add some chocolate chips.

Step 4: Practice your lines. When someone asks for the recipe, have an excuse ready. CakeSpy has that covered for you(see suggestions at bottom of page to tackle this step).

CakeSpy, thanks for making my life easier.
Wow! I thought I was the only one who did this!! I do this probably once a month when I bring cupcakes to the office monthly birthday parties. I normally just scrape all the icing off and use my own homemade icing though. Gosh I love shortcuts!
I would probably use my own icing/frosting too. The frosting on the store-bought cupcakes is usually too sweet and fake for me.
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